Yoga & Meditation

Cultivate a deep connection to your true self.

Nourishing the



  • discover the power of being present in your body

  • cultivate a deep connection to your true being, beyond the business of the mind.  

  • practice mindful self compassion, restore peace and joy

  • balance the nervous system & let go of what no longer serves you

  • build flexibility and strength of the mind and body

  • discover how to invite curiosity and non-judgement into your life


Yoga, in its true form, is a powerful tool to balance and heal the body mind and spirit. Our Fascial Flow Yoga is rooted in the belief that mindful movement, breath, and body awareness unlocks the wisdom of the body. As we learn to listen to this wisdom, the body softens, creates space, and opens to the potential to heal, releasing what we no longer need. Our yoga is for all levels of mobility as we teach you how to move in a way that is best for your body. We all are unique, and our bodies are unique to us. When you move, allowing your body to guide you then, and only then, does the body open.

Benefits of Yoga

  • Decreases stress and pain

  • Improves mobility and balance

  • Improves sense of body awareness

  • Improves sense of health and wellness

Facial Flow Yoga Offerings

  • Live In-Person Yoga Classes

  • Live FREE Zoom Classes

  • Recorded Classes on YouTube

Book your Yoga Class


Yoga Nidra is an ancient sleep-based meditation that takes you below the level of the mind and connects you with your true self. It uses the biological process of sleep to effect changes in your body that improve your overall health and wellbeing, including decreasing cortisol, the stress hormone and increasing endorphins, which have the effect of improving your mood and sense of peace. Once you drop below the level of the mind and thoughts, you enter into a place of profound stillness and peace where true cellular healing occurs. In this place of stillness, you unlock the power of the subconscious and place an intention that will help to erase self-destructive habits and behavior patterns. It is a practice of awakening to your true self. Replacing old patterns that no longer serve you with new more life-affirming ones.

Benefits of Meditation

  • Relieves stress

  • Improves sleep quality

  • Releases anxiety and reduces depression symptoms

  • Aids in recovery from trauma, addiction, and PTSD

  • Helps manage symptoms of inflammation and chronic pain from diseases such as diabetes and hypertension to name a couple

Yoga Nidra Meditation Offerings

  • Private 1-on-1 or Group Sessions

  • Live Donation-Based Zoom Sessions

  • Recorded Sessions on YouTube

All live sessions have the bonus of sound bowl healing at the end.

Book your Meditation